Join Center for Gene Expression

Center for Gene Expression offers excellent opportunities for highly motivated master students, PhD fellows and postdoctoral fellows to participate in pioneering research.

CGEN work environment

The center PIs will conduct collaborative projects by co-supervising postdoc, PhD and master students.
One of the missions of the CGEN is to attract and train the best young researchers from the world, and to facilitate the scientific development of the next generation of research leaders.

LEAF logo

The groups at CGEN are using the certification scheme LEAF (Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework) to reduce the climate impact of laboratories and helping the labs save time and money.

Bekker-Jensen Group currently has achieved a LEAF Silver certificate and Svejstrup Group has achieved a LEAF bronze certificate.


Vacant positions:

Vacant postdoc position at CGEN

A fully funded postdoctoral position in genetic screening and cellular stress responses with a duration of two years is available in the group of Peter Haahr as part of the DNRF Center of Excellence, Center for Gene Expression (CGEN) within the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (ICMM).

Starting date: 1st of September 2024 or after agreement.

Research in the Haahr Group aims to understand molecular aspects of cellular stress responses and cell signaling pathways in human cells and how its dysregulation contributes to disease development. Particularly, we are interested in the intersection of these responses with the complex regulation of transcriptional and translational machineries and how this underpins cell and organismal fitness. 

Haahr Group offer a vibrant, ambitious, and highly international research environment as well as access to state-of-the-art facilities for next generation sequencing, flow cytometry, mass spectrometry and advanced microscopy platforms. In the Haahr Group we strive to do excellent science in an open, collaborative, and collegial work environment that provides ample mentorship and training opportunities to further each members’ individual career goals.

Application deadline: Sunday 30th June 2024, 23.59 p.m. CET.

Read more about the vacant postdoc position in Haahr Group.

Application: You must always submit your application online via