Center for Gene Expression

The Center for Gene Expression (CGEN) was established in April 2023 through a generous grant of 68,6 Mio. DKK (approx. 8.9 Mio Euro) from the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF) as part of their Centers of Excellence programme. 

The CGEN is based in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Panum Institute, and has strong connections to other groups at UCPH and abroad.

The mission of the CGEN is to use a cutting-edge ensemble of genetic, cell biological, biochemical, organismal, and modern ‘omic’-approaches to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the process of gene expression.

CGEN performs ground-breaking research in a collaborative and ambitious environment, where young research leaders of the future (junior group leaders, postdocs, PhD students) are nurtured and offered the best conditions to engage in bold and imaginative research. CGEN is also a centre of learning, where scholarship exist so that young researchers at the postdoctoral and PhD-student level receive an uncommonly comprehensive education in the cellular processes underlying gene expression, as well as a clear view of their medical importance and potential for future research directions.

cgen organisation